hye olz... how r u today???
I want typing random story about me en my frends esha nowadays..
if u ever read my entry about friendship, mybe u olz dah tawu who she is..
oraite,,, let me introduce her again... ;)
nama dia Ressa Ismail..en I call her 'esha'. she's cme from *ternate.. [datang jauh2 ke manado tuk belajar en doin photoshoot wit me,muahahahahhahah] dia suka cubittt badan2 I:(
dat's enough..uhk';)
okeyh.. at dat time.. we fnishd class early.. en rasa lazy juga tuk balik rumah.. oweys en oweys kita akan snap pict..muahahahahhah.. but, at dat time, we did photoshoot just for fun..no long dress, no make up, no high heels...
time blajar kita blajar... en time photoshoot kita akan berstyle gila;)
theme ari tuh : student style eps. Jilbab vs Sexy.. mantapp gila theme kita..muahahhah
[look.look! I dah bilang ke esha.. jangan liat kamera but,, dia x' dengar]
thanks for sizt mecca for d'pict;)
p/s :
Only those who overflow with love will build the happy and enlightened world of the future!
Their lips smiling with love, their heart breathing with love,
kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile!
kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile!
Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see...
thank you for reading this entry;)
wow... kompak banget ya ... sampe warna bajunya sama dan tasnya juga mirip. OK .... pelihara dgn baeknya persahabatan itu, karena itu adalah harta yg luar biasa.
BalasHapuscieeee yang kembaran gitu bajunyaa.. uhuuiiyy sama-sama stylish banget kalian berdua. cocok, kompak gitu. hahahaa...
BalasHapusseru deh foto2an bareng. jadi pengen jugaa. :P
gadis berbaju merah. manis euy. hehe
BalasHapusmbak sukma. inshAllah,amin;)
BalasHapusGaphe. heheeh,,ayoo'2 gbung fto2 jga:D
Kira. bju merah syp ya ? hheheheh:D kyakny g' ada yg pke baju merah deh ;D
wuihh kompak banget, sampe warna baju sama2 pink plus model tas juga sama :)
BalasHapuskeknya aku zaman2 SMU dulu jg suka pake something sama modelnya ma teman :D
salam kenal nona ^_^..menarik.." muslimovic" terkesan ke eropa timuran.....juga menarik perhatian dengan kebeningan....^__^